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Many clients prefer 1-1 support from the Inner Strength Matrix. Here’s why:


Personalised Attention


With 1-1 instruction, the learner receives undivided attention from the instructor, allowing for personalized learning experiences. The instructor can identify the learner’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, and tailor the instruction accordingly.


Customised Pace:


In a 1-1 setting, the instructor can adapt the pace of instruction to match the learner’s needs. This ensures that the learner

neither feels rushed nor bored, leading to more effective learning.


Targeted Feedback:


Immediate and targeted feedback is crucial for learning and improvement. In the 1-1 instruction, the instructor can provide specific and constructive feedback to address the learner’s individual needs, facilitating faster progress.


Increased Engagement:


With 1-1 instruction, the learner receives undivided attention from the instructor, allowing for personalized learning experiences. The instructor can identify the learner’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, and tailor the instruction accordingly.


Flexibility and Adaptability:


1-1 instruction allows for flexibility in terms of timing, location, and content. Both the instructor and learner can collaborate to create a schedule and curriculum that best suits their needs and goals.


Overcoming Challenges and Building Confidence:


1-1 instruction provides a supportive environment where learners can tackle their challenges and receive guidance accordingly. This targeted support helps build confidence and motivation, encouraging the learner to push beyond their limits.


 Efficient Use of Time:


1-1 instruction focuses solely on the learner’s needs, minimizing time spent on irrelevant material. This leads to more efficient use of time, as the learner can concentrate on the areas they need to improve, making the learning process more effective overall.


Overall, 1-1 instruction offers personalized attention, customized pace, targeted feedback, increased engagement, flexibility, confidence-building, and efficient use of time, all of which contribute to enhanced learning outcomes.

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